Minecraft Server Stress Test Tool

Our HTTP Server status codes testing tool helps you to check whether the status of a website is offline or online. Every single time your browser requests a website, status codes are returned, When something goes wrong your browser delivered some message in your browser like 'Something isn’t right along with error code e.g 404'. The LOIC was originally developed by Praetox Technologies as a stress testing application before becoming available within the public domain. The tool is able to perform a simple dos attack by sending a large sequence of UDP, TCP or HTTP requests to the target server.

  1. Minecraft Server Management Tool
  2. Test Minecraft Server Online

Minecraft Server Management Tool

  • Modern Design

    We made this tool using a responsive theme to made it as appealing as possible. We are all tired of the admin panel themes that every second booter is using, so we decided to so something special this time.

  • Great With All Devices

    Our IP Stresser panel can be used with any device. You can use it with your personal computer, phone or tablet and always get great results.

  • Fully Anonymous

    We consider our visitors' privacy as important as it gets. Your stay here is fully anonymous and no logs are kept whatsoever. Be sure that when you surf Free Booter, you are safe.

  • Quality Code

    Free Booter's stress test panel is custom coded. The code is top quality and therefore very efficient. This means that you will not see any errors during your stay here!

  • Powerful Stress Tests

    Each stress test generates 5Gbps of traffic to your server. It is an amplified UDP method using the DNS protocol for best results.

  • Fast Results

    Our back end servers are connected with SSH2 to our panel for fast connection. This means that your stress test will launch within less than a second from the moment you click the start button!

Minecraft Server Stress Test Tool
Jul 9th, 2017
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  1. ''Super dirty, simple stress test tool for minecraft classic servers.
  2. Feel free to do whatever you want with this source code''
  3. importsocket
  4. importrandom
  5. importerrno
  6. class StressBot(object):
  7. ''Only works properly with 512x512x96 maps (X,Y,Z, non-nothian format)''
  8. self.Name= Name
  9. self.X,self.Y,self.Z=256*32,256*32,48*32 + 78
  10. self.MovingForwards=0#0 for backwards, 1 for forwards (increase in x/y)
  11. def Connect(self,Ip,Port):
  12. self.Socket=socket.create_connection((Ip,Port))
  13. returnFalse
  14. self.Socket.sendall('x00' +'x07' + Name + Name + 'x01')
  15. returnTrue
  16. def Update(self):
  17. whileTrue:
  18. Result =self.Socket.recv(0xFFFF)
  19. exceptsocket.error,(error_no, error_msg):
  20. break
  21. else:
  22. raisesocket.error
  23. #Movement
  24. ifself.LastChange + random.randint(4,7)<time.time():
  25. #Change direction
  26. self.MovingForwards=random.randint(0,1)
  27. Val =16
  28. Val = -16
  29. self.X=(self.X + Val) % (512*32)
  30. self.Y=(self.Y + Val) % (512*32)
  31. #Make movement packet.
  32. Packet ='x08x00' +'%s%s%sx00x00' %(struct.pack('!h',self.X),struct.pack('!h',self.Z),struct.pack('!h',self.Y))
  33. Bots =[]
  34. Limit =117
  35. whileTrue:
  36. BadBots =[]
  37. Bot.Update()
  38. BadBots.append(Bot)
  39. whilelen(BadBots)>0:
  40. iflen(Bots)< Limit and LastConnect +0.05<time.time():
  41. Bot = StressBot('Bot%d' %CurBot)
  42. res = Bot.Connect('',25565)
  43. print'Connect on Bot%d succeeded (%d/%d)' %(CurBot-1,len(Bots)+1,Limit)
  44. else:
  45. print'Connect on Bot%d failed (%d/%d)' %(CurBot-1,len(Bots),Limit)
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Test Minecraft Server Online