Trials In Tainted Space Xanthe

Trials in Tainted Space is a game under active development by Fenoxo & crew.

Forums Adult Games Trials in Tainted Space In Vava Groom, can you still get an owner even if you selected 'In Waiting'? Discussion in ' Trials in Tainted Space ' started by randompeeps, Jun 11, 2017. Jaune Arc Full Name: Jaune Bob Arc Nickname(s): Vomit Boy, The Guy who somehow keep going after them, Whoever he the hell is Gender: Male Sex: Male Race/Species: Human Birthday: May 30th Age: Between 21 to 24 Occupation: Bounty Hunter and Mercenary Height: 6.1 feets (1.85 meters) Femininity: -25 Tone & Thickness: 60 (Defined) and 25 (Thin) - Fit Skin & Fur: Pale White Smooth Skin.

Mar 23, 2018 - When you come to, you find yourself firmly locked in a reinforced restraining chair. You jerk and try to pull free, but the structure seems to have.

  • 1Characters
  • 3Items
  • 5Universe, Lore & Mechanics
    • 5.3Organizations


Trials in Tainted Space features two different styles of encounter-able characters. Persistent characters have various attributes that may or may not be affected by the players interactions, and are stored in the same manner as the player character's data.

For a more comprehensive breakdown of characters featured in the game, see the Characters category.

Persistent Characters

Persistent characters are usually, though not always, named.

Able - Agrosh - Aina - Akane - Alex - Alex Surf - Aliss - Amara Faell - Amber - Amma - Anarrie - Anno - Anyxine Rhenesunne - Anzhela - Ara Kei - Ardia - Artie - Asennia - Astra - Atha - Attica - Aurora - Ausar Agent - Azra - Beatrice Reasner - Belle - Bess - Bethany Carver - Betsy & Victoria - Big T - Bran Flazingan - Brandt - Brandy - Briget - Briha - Brynn - Burt - Busky - Byron McAllister - Cameron - Canada - Candy - Captain Khorgan - Carrie - Cass - Celise - Ceria - Charles - Chaurmine - Cherry - Chrissy - Chupacabro - Ciaran - Colenso - Commander Schora - Connie - Cora - Crazy Carl - Cruff - Crystal Goo Incubator - Crystalline Shopkeeper - Cynthia - Dally - Dane - Delilah - Demon Queen Syri - Doctor Badger - Doctor Lash - Doctor Lessau - Double-Goo - Dr. Calnor - Dr. Teyaal - Edan - Ehstraffe - Eimear - Elenora Vanderbilt - Ellie - Ellira - Embry - Emmy - Erika - Erra - Estallia - Estie - Fazian - Fei An Strozo - Feruze - Fetch & Carry - Fisianna - Flahne - Forgehound - Frostwyrm - Fyn - Galina - Gene - Geoff - Gianna - Gil - Godi - Gold Squad - Gray Goo Armor - Gray Prime - Gwen - Haley - Hana - Hand So - Heidrun - Henderson - Hepane - Herman - Holiday - Holmes - Horace Decker - Horisha & Peck - Host Shukuchi Agents - Ilaria - Inessa - Irellia - Jade - James - Jardi - Jarvis - Jerome - Jerynn - Jesse - Johr - Julian Haswell - Juro - Kaede - Kalayna - Kally - Kane - Kara - Kase - Kaska - Kat - Kattom Osgood - Kazra & Lorre - Kelly - Kimber - Kirila - Kirlarwe - Kiro - Krissy - Krym - Lane - LDC - Lerris - Liamme - Lieve - Liliana - Linera Gerie - Liriel - Living Kegs - Logan - Lola - Luca - Lund - Lyralla - Lys - Lysander Chow - Mabbs - Maja - Maki - Marik - Marina - Marsail - Matron Oserre - Maximilian Steele - Merchant Queen - Mi'dee - Miko & Mai - Millie - Milly - Milodan War Alpha - Mirian Bragga - Mirrin - Mitzi - Myr Infected Queen - Myrna - Myrra - Naleen Brothers - Natalie Irson - Nayna - Nehzara - Nenne - Nerrasa - Nessa - Nevrie - Nine-tailed Zil - Nivas Oxonef - Nykke - Nyrean Princess - Ogram - Olympia - Orryx - Overseer Maike - Ovir Dancer - Paige - Penny - Petr - Petra - Pexiga - Pippa - Pirate Engineer - Pirate Mercenary - Prai Ellit - Pump-king - Pyra - Quaelle - Queen of the Deep - Queen Taivra - Queensguard - Quenton - Quinn - Ramis - Raskvel Broodmother - Raskvel Traps - Rat Thieves - Reaha - Regina Kasmiran - Renvra - Riley - Rival - Riya - RK Lah - Roo - Roxy - Roz - Rusher - Saec - Saendra - Sally - Sam - Scalla - Scout - Seifyn - Sellera - Sellesy - Semith - Sera - Shade - Shekka - Shelly - Shep Darnock - Shiare - Shizuya - Shock Hopper - Simone - Stella - Steph Irson - Storm Lancer - Sydian Matriarch - Sylvie - Syri - Tam - Tanis - Tarik - Tentacle Gardener - Terensha - Teron - Tessa - Tetra & Mica - The Bronco - The Seer - Tivf - Tlako - Torra - Tuuva - Ula - Ula's Father - Una - Urbolg - Ushamee Neykkar - Vaande - Vahn - Valden - Vark - Vedice - Verusha - Vi - Victor Steele - Walt - Wetra Hound - Wetraxxel Brawler - Xanthe - Xotchi - Yammi - Yancy - Yarasta - Yoma - Zaalt - Zea - Zeke - Zephyr - Zheniya - Zo’dee

Generic Characters

In addition to persistent characters, there are a number of generic encounter-able characters. For most of these, it is heavily implied that the player does not repeatedly encounter the same generic character over and over, and thus, the game does not store a full stat block for these characters without due cause.

There are a few limited exceptions to the rule of these always being a different individual: one example is V-KO. She is both a static character and a repeatable encounter on Mhen'ga; but as a factory-produced machine that is styled to act as a ubiquitous medical dispenser, more V-KO bots are liable to find their way to other planets while using the same 'encounter template' as the one on Mhen'ga. Indeed, there are plans to eventually enable the player to add a version to their ship.

Bored Jumper - Bothrioc Pidemme - Bothrioc Quadomme - Cockvine Adult - Cockvine Seedling - Corona Flamer - Cunt Snake - Cyberpunk Security Operatives - Daer Wormling - Deconstruction Unit - Doll Maker - Dr. Khan - Essyra Marion - Excavation Robot - Fenris Drone - Firewall - Frog Girl - Gabilani Vacationers - Ganrael Ambusher - Ganrael DeadEye - Ganraen Knight - Gold Remnant Brute - Gold Remnant Soldier - Gray Goo - Infected Crew Members - Korgonne Barbarian Female - Korgonne Raider Male - Lapinara Parasitic Female - LDC - Machina - Milodan Infiltrator - Milodan Male - Milodan Priestess - Milodan Temptress - Milodan War Lion - Mimbrane - Mining Robot - Myr Infected Female - Naleen Female - Naleen Futa - Naleen Male - Naleen Mating Ball - Nym-Foe - Nyrean Huntress - Nyrean Praetorian - Pirate - Pirate Juggernaut - Raskvel Female - Raskvel Gang - Raskvel Turret - Rat Thieves - Red Commando - Red Myr Guard - Red Zil Male - Rocket Pods - Rodenian Mechanic - Sand Worm - Security Droid - Security Drone - Security Robots - Sex Bot - Siegwulfe - Slamwulfe - Slaver Attendant - Slyveren Slavebreaker - Sydian Female - Sydian Male - Tentacle Gardener - The Pollen Dancers - V-KO - Vanae Huntress - Vanae Maiden - Varmint - Venus Pitcher Elder - Venus Pitcher Young - Venus Zil Trap - Zil Female - Zil Hornet - Zil Hoverfly - Zil Male - Zil Tribe


The game features a number of different location styles, each of which generally aims towards an overriding theme or approach to the content made available at that location. Tmac v6. See Category:Locations for more detailed breakdowns of locations.


  • Ausaril (Invitation: Between December 22 to December 28 (real time). Can only visit once)
  • Poe A (Invitation: At 00:00 (in-game time) between October 26 to October 31 (real time), or a random 1/100 chance. Can only visit once)


  • Casstech Z14 (Your ship)
  • Blade (Kiro's ship)
  • The Phoenix (Saendra's ship)
  • Black Rose (Mirian's ship)
  • Talon Rogue (Kaede's ship)
  • Great Majin (Shizuya's ship)

Space Stations:

  • Tavros (Starting location)
  • Canadia (Invitation: Kiro or Delilah, or giving Krissy a lift)
  • Gastigoth (Invitation is received after completing the Stellar Tether quest.)
  • Breedwell (Invited after having 5 kids or donating 500,000 ml of cum to cockmilker.)


  • Mhen'ga (Inmediately available. First probe)
  • Tarkus (Available after locating the first probe)
  • New Texas (Invited after a day has passed)
  • Myrellion (Available after locating the second probe)
  • Zheng Shi (Available after locating the third probe)
  • Uveto (Zaalt distress call at lvl 6+ or after obtaining the third probe and progressing through Shade's storyline)


  • Stellar Tether (Tarkus. Main storyline. Second probe)
  • Queen Taivra's Palace ( Myrellion. Main storyline. Third probe)
  • Ghost Deck (Anno's storyline)
  • Pirate Base (Kara's storyline)
  • Kashima (Distress call: between October 24 to November 7 (real time). Lvl 7+. Travelling to or from Myrellion)
  • Munitions Factory (Myrellion. Optional Federation Quest.)
  • Akkadi Research Facility (Uveto. Optional Syri Quest)


For information about equipment and consumable items, see the items category.


Items that can be physically equipped to a character.

Armor - Melee Weapon - Ranged Weapon - Shield Generator - Accessory - Clothing - Lower Undergarment - Upper Undergarment - Piercing


Items that are consumed to attain various effects.

Descargar drivers olivetti olibook series 500 para windows 7. Transformative Item - Restorative Item - Combat Consumable

Other Items

Items that either don't fall under the former categories or otherwise have alternate uses.

Toys - Miscellaneous Item - Key Item - Unique Item

Game & Engine Mechanics

For information about internal mechanics, formulas, and other implementation specifics, see Category:Game mechanics

Addiction - Alcohol Consumption - Alignment - Appearance - Bad Ends - Combat Mechanics - Exertion - Exhibitionism - Minigames - Perks - Pregnancy - Racial Score - Special Ability - SSTD -Taint

Universe, Lore & Mechanics

There are several components that make up the TiTS universe. Swift shader 3.0 rar download for pc hammad webs. Some can be found below.

History and Lore

General story details and bits of background history on some events that have an impact in the TiTS universe.

Dumbfuck - Gush - Planet Rush - TiTS History - Treatment


Applicable races found throughout the TiTS-verse. Note that not every single race encountered is listed. For more creature variants, see Category:Creatures

Anatae - Ausar - Bothrioc - Cundarian - Cylirian - Daynar - Dzaan - Essyra - Fanfir - Fhan’i - Gabilani - Galotian - Ganrael - Gryvain - Hilinara - Human - Huskar - Kaithrit - Kalabast - Kerokoras - Korgonne - Kui-tan - Lapinara - Laquine - Leithan - Lureling - Milodan - Myr - Naleen - Nyrea - Ovir - Rahn - Raskvel - Rodenians - Roehm - Saeri - Saurmorian - Siel - Simii - Sionach - Spinarran - Suula - Sydian - Tarratch - Thraggen - Tove - Vanae - Venus Pitcher - Vildarii - Vulkrim - Wetraxxel - Xhelarfog - Zil


Various organizations or companies that have presence in TiTS.


Trials In Tainted Space Xanthe Walkthrough

Aegis - Akkadi R&D - Bell-Isle/Grunmann - Camarilla - Carver Catering Company - Humphard Incorporated - Ice Teats - JoyCo - J’ejune Pharmaceutical - KihaCorp - Lapinara Sanctuary - Pyrite Industries - Reaper Armaments - RhenWorld - Snugglé - Steele Tech - Tamani Corp - Xenogen Biotech


Black Void - Gilden Republic - Gryvain Heartland Republic - Joint Ausar Federation - Mechanus League - Nova Securities - Scarlet Federation - Terran-Space Coalition - United Galactic Confederacy

Trials In Tainted Space Wiki


Church of the One God - Followers of the Infinite Aspect - Followers of The Tear - Sky Mother - Star Seekers - Stormguard - Zyi


Information on technology found in TiTs either as a tangible object or conceptual vocabulary.

Artificial gravity - Artificial Intelligence - Codex - Hardlight - Hologram - Horse-Cock - Light drive - Medical Technology - Repulsor - Steele Tech Probe - Sublight engine - Warp tunnel


Trail In Tainted Space Wiki

There's a handy list of templates to be used when adding Wiki content regarding TiTS. See Contributing

Dr Badger Trials In Tainted Space

And a list with content that needs to be created and/or updated. See To Do List


Trials In Tainted Space Character

The location of the main game itself can be found at the official Trials in Tainted Space website.

Eyebeam license key generator. For reference information on submitting written material to the TiTS game itself. See Writing Reference

For reference information on possible cheats and/or exploits in the TiTS game. See Cheat List

For reference information on editing a TiTS save game file (not recommended). See Save Editing

Retrieved from ‘’

Sex in the Trials in Tainted Space universe has consequences and pregnancy is one of them. Captain Steele is able to become pregnant, be impregnated (and inseminate and impregnate others), in a variety of ways, possibly giving birth in several ways as well.

  • 2Manipulation
  • 3Available Scenes


Pregnancy comes in many forms, each resulting in different children types. A pregnancy is determined by two main factors: a mother (in this case, Steele), and a father (the one who does the insemination).

The 'mother' is one who has an impregnable orifice, such as a vagina, a cunt tail, or, in special cases, the anus. The 'father' is the one who inseminates or otherwise impregnates the mother, injecting semen, eggs, or other life-creation elements into the mother's 'womb' (depending on the kind of pregnancy).

After a period of time, the mother will become pregnant, if not already impregnated, and will eventually birth the young. The three major children types are: Live (birth), Eggs, or Seed.

Pregnancy, whether fathering or mothering, is highly dependent on the father's semen virility and the mother's fertility.


The pregnancy system can be influenced in a few ways.

Pregnancy Chance

Pregnancy chance can be affected through different perks and possibly other means.

Name Anatomy Description
Breed Hungry Male
  • Doubles the speed that semen is created.
  • Increases pregnancy speed female by an additional 100%.
Fertility Female
  • Increases the odds of getting pregnant by 15%.
Firing Blanks Male
  • Unable to get others pregnant.
Incubator Female
  • Increases pregnancy speed by an additional 100%.
Infertile Male and Female
  • Unable to get others pregnant.
  • Unable to get pregnant.
Sterile Female
  • Unable to get pregnant.
Virile Male
  • Increases the quality of sperm by 15%.
    (Increasing the chances to get others pregnant.)
Status Effects
Name Anatomy Description
Infertile Male and Female
  • Unable to get others pregnant.
  • Unable to get pregnant.
Heat Female
  • +500% Fertillity
  • +25 Minimum Lust
  • +10 Libido
  • +3 Tease Damage
  • 1 week minimum duration
  • If Deep Heat:
  • Further Increased Fertillity, Lust, Libido, and Tease Damage
  • 2 week minimum duration
Rut Male
  • +400% Virillity
  • +25 Minimum Lust
  • +5 Libido
  • +1000mLs Minimum Cum
  • 1 week minimum duration

Pregnancy Speed

Pregnancy Speed is the average of the male (father) and female (mother) incubation speed multiplier of the parents.
Note: There is currently no way to increase the male (father) incubation speed multiplier

Increasing (female)
Name Requirment Change
Laquine Ears (Moderate Transformations)
  • Has vagina
  • Incubation speed female less than 200%
  • Incubation speed female becomes 200%
  • Has vagina
  • Incubation speed female at 200% or more
  • Incubation speed female less than 400%
  • Incubation speed female becomes 400%
  • Has vagina
  • Incubation speed female at 400% or more
  • Incubation speed female less than 700%
  • Incubation speed female becomes 700%
  • Has vagina
  • Incubation speed female at 700% or more
  • Incubation speed female less than 1000%
  • Incubation speed female becomes 1000%
  • Has Vagina
  • Incubation speed female less than 150%
  • Incubation speed female becomes 150%
  • Has Vagina
  • Incubation speed female at 150% or more
  • Incubation speed female less than 200%
  • Incubation speed female becomes 200%
  • Has Vagina
  • Incubation speed female at 200% or more
  • Incubation speed female less than 250%
  • Incubation speed female becomes 250%
  • Has Vagina
  • Incubation speed female at 250% or more
  • Incubation speed female less than 300%
  • Incubation speed female becomes 300%
  • Has Vagina
  • Incubation speed female at 300% or more
  • Incubation speed female less than 400%
  • Incubation speed female becomes 400%
  • Has Vagina
  • Incubation speed female at 400% or more
  • Incubation speed female less than 500%
  • Incubation speed female becomes 500%
  • Has Vagina
  • Incubation speed female at 500% or more
  • Incubation speed female less than 600%
  • Incubation speed female becomes 600%
  • Has Vagina
  • Incubation speed female at 600% or more
  • Incubation speed female less than 700%
  • Incubation speed female becomes 700%
Orefish Shard
  • Has Vagina
  • Incubation speed female less than 150%
  • Incubation speed female by 20%-50%
Small Blue Egg
  • Regenerate 10 health points
  • Increase pregnancy speed by 2 hours (relative)
Large Blue Egg
  • Regenerate 30 health points
  • Decrease pregnancy speed by 2 hours (relative)

* Using Motherhusk will also increase taint by 5 with every use

Increasing bonus Incubation speed female
Name Requirment
Breed Hungry
  • Increases Bonus Incubation speed female by 100%
  • Increases Bonus Incubation speed female by 100%
Increasing bonus Incubation speed female
Name Formula
Total Incubation speed femaleIncubation speed female + Increases Bonus Incubation speed female
True incubation speed multiplier (Total Incubation speed female + Incubation speed male) / 2

Available Scenes

Several events can lead to pregnancy and most of them include sex.



Vaginal pregnancy requires at least one vagina. The father's genes, virility, and potency factor into this pregnancy, as well as the mother's fertility and incubation time, affecting the duration of the pregnancy, the type of children, and the number of children born. Normally, natural pregnancies are affected by infertility/sterility, however, some pregnancies are forced (by way of egg/seed injection and incubation) so such pregnancies omit that trait.

Anal incubation is possible in some instances.

Valid insemination/impregnation actions on Steele include:

Natural Pregnancy
Adult Cockvine
  • Has Vagina(s) or Anus
  • Have sex with it.
144 Live
Bored Jumper
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have sex with them.
4368 Live
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Has beaten them at least 3 times before losing and agrees to breed with them.
2688 Egg
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Chance when choosing Get Creampie for her sex scene.
4320 Live
Korgonne Raider Male
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Chance when choosing Cowgirl option or losing.
5040 Live
Laquine Fuckdoll
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Let her come Inside.
4368 Live
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have sex with him.
4368 Live
  • Has Vagina
  • Second attempt breeding.
9660 Live
Milodan Male
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have sex with them.
Pollen Dancers
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have sex with him.
5760 Live
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Select the Catch Vag scene.
1800-2100 Live
Raskvel Gang
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Has sex with them.
336 Eggs
  • 10% Chance
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Has talked to her about it.
  • Choose to Bend Over for her sex scene.
1440 Live
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have sex with her.
6528 Live
RK Lah
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Lah is in Gastigoth
  • Have sex
4320 Live
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Has convinced her to have children.
  • Successfully Breed with her.
6528 Live
  • Has given her a SynthSheath
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Select Get Bred for her sex scenes.
312 Eggs
Shock Hopper
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have sex with her.
4368 Live
Sydian Male
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have sex with him.
6480 Live
Treated Zil Male
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have sex with him.
5760 Live
The Twins
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Using Vagina in Lead Train.
4320 Live
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have vaginal sex with him.
2880 Live
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have vaginal sex with him.
2880 Live
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have vaginal sex with her.
2880 Live
Zil Male
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have sex with him.
5760 Live
General Incubation
Ara Kei Anya
  • Has Vagina(s) and/or anus
  • Be 100% addicted to bothrioc oil.
  • Have licked their boots.
100 Eggs
Bothrioc Pidemme
  • Has Vagina(s) and/or anus
  • Lose or submit to it.
100 Eggs
Deeps Queen
  • Has Vagina(s) and/or Anus
  • Any of these conditions:
    • Choose to Surrender before combat.
    • Choose Get Egged after victory in combat.
1008 Live
Elder Venus Pitcher
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Have sex with her.
    • Having sex with her once will result in pregnancy of unfertilized seeds.
    • Having sex while pregnant with unfertilized seeds will result in pregnancy of fertilized seeds.
72 Seed
Incubator Goo
  • Has Vagina(s) and/or Anus
    • Choose to Get Egged after her hostile encounter.
168 Eggs
Lapinara Parasitic Female
  • Has Vagina(s) and/or anus
  • Lose to/choose 'get stuffed' victory option.
  • Not already pregnant with Lapinara
805 Eggs
Nyrean Huntress
  • Has Vagina(s) and/or Anus
  • 'Father' has eggs
    • Ride Cock after victory in combat.
    • Lose in combat.
168 Eggs
  • Has Vagina(s) and/or Anus
  • Has talked to her about it.
  • Choose to Bend Over for her sex scene.
168 Eggs
  • Taivra has been recently fertilized in the last 24 hours (by having sex in her Chambers and choosing to Breed Her), or every fourth hour in the day
  • Has Vagina(s) and/or Anus
  • Select Chambers and choose Ride: Cowgirl, or select Throne Sex and choose to Ride Lap for her sex scenes.
168 Eggs
Young Venus Pitcher
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Approach and have sex with her tentacles.
    • Having sex with her once will result in pregnancy of unfertilized seeds.
    • Having sex while pregnant with unfertilized seeds will result in pregnancy of fertilized seeds.
72 Seed
Unnatural Pregnancy and Incubation
Breedwell Incubation Centre
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • Selected Pod in Breedwell Incubation Centre Pod Lounge
336 Eggs
Egg Trainer
(Carry Training)
  • Has Vagina(s) and/or Anus
  • (On Use) and select Carry Train
168 Eggs
Egg Trainer
(Faux Pregnancy)
  • Has Vagina(s) and/or Anus
  • (On Use) and select Faux Preg
2880000 Eggs
Egg Trainer
  • Has Vagina(s) and/or Anus
  • Ovalasting status effect
  • Receive cum in the Ovalasting implanted orifice
168 Eggs
  • Has Vagina(s)
  • On Use (Ovilium)
  • Starts with at most 30 days after last pregnancy if not infertile or otherwise pregnant (OvipositionPerk)
12 Eggs
Strange Egg
  • Has non-pregnant Vagina(s) and/or Anus
  • Not already incubating a tentacle beast
  • Has egg in inventory or storage
  • Traveling between planets
437.667 Live

Birth and Postnatal Care

Most births will end with sending the young straight to the daycare, however some births are unique:

  • After giving birth to a bundle of cockvine seedlings, Steele can Catch One or Leave Them. If captured, the seedling will be placed in the nursery.
  • After giving birth to an unfertilized Venus Pitcher seed pod, Steele will automatically add it to the inventory. If the seed has been fertilized, Steele can choose to either Plant It on the spot or Send It Off to the nursery.
  • The birth event for Renvra's live young will vary based on the location Steele is in when giving birth. If on the ship or in a public space, Steele will be sent to the nearest medical facility. If not, the birthing sequence will happen on the spot. The nyrea-myr-human hybrid babies will have been sent to the nursery.
  • The Water Queen (Queen of the Deep Lake's) eggs will develop into live young in the womb before birth. The young will eventually be sent to the nursery after birth and will leave a special note behind.
  • After giving birth to the Rahn babies from the Breedwell Rahn Incubation, Steele can send them off with either a Tamani drone back to Breedwell or a Steele drone can take them to the Nursery but doing so may have consequences.

The nursery, or daycare, located on Tavros Station, is where most births are sent.

Cunt Tail Oviposition

Cunt tail pregnancy requires at least one cunt tail and it works independently from the vaginal pregnancy. Semen quality or quantity from the father does not factor into this pregnancy. After the tail has taken in the load of cum, there is a 20% chance it will become pregnant. Pregnancy probability is not affected by Sterilex unless integrated with a transformative like Foxfire. A cunt tail that has been integrated uses Steele's Fertility instead. When that happens, the pregnancy will last for about 20 to 28 hours.

Valid cunt tail insemination events include:

Cunt Tail Pregnancy
  • Choosing Tailfuck in his Sex menu.
  • Ask him for a Dance.
  • Cunt tail has not been fed for 7 days or more.
Naleen Male
  • Cunt tail has not been fed for 7 days or more.
  • Choose Get Blown and then Cunt Tail after victory in combat.
  • After losing, reverse fuck him and choose to Feed.
Raskvel Gang
  • 30% Chance
  • Choosing Pay with Sex when confronted about trespassing.


  • 40% Chance
  • Choosing Yes when offered to have some fun.
  • Choosing Fuck Me when encountering her.
  • Choosing TailFuck in the Masturbate menu.
Sydian Male
  • Choosing Tailsuck after winning in combat with high enough lust.
Zil Male
  • Randomly chosen after losing in combat.

After the time passes, Steele's cunt tail will then give birth to an egg. Steele can then choose to Hide It, aiding in the cunt snake's infestation, or Take It to be shipped off to the day care and possibly to be used on another host.

Other Effects

Some pregnancies can be altered between being impregnated and after birthing/laying.

Trials In Tainted Space Xanthe Nine

Status Effects
  • While under the effects of Ovilum, if an affected womb is inseminated, the eggs of that womb will multiply, gaining about 1 to 12 extra eggs per insemination.
Venus Pitcher
Seed Residue
Venus Pitcher
Elder Venus Pitcher
  • Having sex while pregnant with unfertilized seeds will fertilize the seed.
  • The insemination will have a residue of about two weeks after the last birth, so any Venus pitcher pregnancies afterward will automatically be fertilized until the effect wears off.
Trials In Tainted Space Xanthe

NPC Pregnancy

Some NPCs Steele encounters can also become pregnant (but some may use their own system to manage their pregnancy), or give birth to their (fertilized or unfertilized) young if already pregnant.

Trials In Tainted Space Cheats

NPC Pregnancy
Until Due
Aina Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Any sex scene involving penis penetration.
  • Not in the 10th-16th day of her Heat Cycle (chances vary otherwise)
2160 Live
Bored Jumper Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Any sex scene involving penis penetration.
4368 Live
Briha Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Any sex scene involving penis penetration.
2160 Egg
Captain Khorgan Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Breeding Sex scene at Gastigoth involving penis penetration.
3600 Live
Ellie Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Ellie has gotten fertility operation and/or PC starting race is Half-Leithan.
  • Any sex scene involving penis penetration
1680 Eggs
Female Raskvel Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Any sex scene involving penis penetration.
240 Eggs
Frostwyrm Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Has beaten them at least 3 times before losing and agrees to breed with them.
2688 Egg
Ilaria Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Any sex scene involving penis penetration?
4320 Live
Lapinara Parasitic Female Egg Sack and Ovipositor
  • (She is always pregnant)
  • Injects her eggs when losing to her in combat.
  • Can coax her egg laying after victory in combat and choosing to Tail-Milk.
Mirrin Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Second attempt breeding.
7560 Egg
Quaelle Womb
  • Has a Penis
  • Gone through Snit
1800-2100 Live
Queen Irellia Abdomen
  • (She is always pregnant)
  • She lays her eggs during sex.
Quinn Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Completed Pollen Dance Festival
4320 Live
Roxy Womb
  • Has Cock(s)
  • Have Vaginal Sex with her.
  • Being in Rut guarantees Roxy to get pregnant.
4368 Live
Saec Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Belle's Heat Experiment
  • Saec's Date
  • (Not yet in game)
4320 Live
Sam (Pirate Techie) Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Breeding Sex scene at Gastigoth involving penis penetration.
4320 Live
Sera Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Sera is enslaved and you have convinced her to have children.
  • Scenes involving vaginal penetration with the Penis.
6552 Live
Shade Cunt Tail
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Sex menu: Cunt Tail, Lick & Wank, Rim & Wank or TailSex
168 Egg
Shelly Womb
  • (She is always pregnant)
  • Extract her eggs by volunteering to Assist her.
Stella Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Select 'Breed' for her sex scenes
2880 Live
Tam Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Breeding Sex scene at Gastigoth involving penis penetration.
5760 Live
Ula Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Any sex scene involving penis penetration.
4080 Live
Zheniya Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Any sex scene involving penis penetration.
4560 Live
Zil Female Womb
  • Has Penis(es)
  • Any sex scene involving penis penetration.
5640 Live

Trials In Tainted Space Xanthe Trilogy

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